
general whitefur

  • Star Fox Summer Beach

    Having long ago given up their mercenary lives Star Fox and friends enjoy a summer day at Fara's beach front home. Fox and Marcus build a sand castle, Miyu is forced to wear a two piece, Fara and Krystal share martinis and stories, Falco loses several feathers, and Slippy shows off his soon to be new house on Zoness. One-shot. Rated T for alcohol and bit of language.

  • Girls Night Out

    There is a certain magic to being married and having children, and as Krystal realizes that magic is often along the lines of a profound desire to escape as quickly as possible. After months of being cooped up in the house taking care of her newborn son with Fox, Krystal leaps at the chance to go out and spend the night with Katt and the rest of the gals. Rated T for alcohol.

  • Miyu and Fay Valentines Admissions

    Miyu Lynx has managed to spend every Valentine's Day alone. It isn't something she's happy about, but it isn't something she ever seems able to change. Of course that is until this Valentine's when her best friend Fay Spaniel decides to do something about her friend's near perpetual loneliness. In the end the two best friends realize exactly what they mean to each other.

  • Life After Krystal

    The death of Krystal had weighed heavily on Fox McCloud, there had been days when he had wondered if he could ever be happy again. But when Fara Phoenix comes back into Fox's life he begins to realize that he can love again, and that he has to love again, and with Fara's help Fox begins to move on from the grief and to remember that Krystal would only ever want him to be happy.

  • Star Fox: Cerinian Adventures

    Following a phantom signal for the Cornerian Military Fox is shot down over the planet Cerinia. His arrival there is no accident however. The planet is in danger from the remnants of Andross's evil empire and, along with a blue vixen and her companions, Fox must find a way to stop a deadly weapon...or watch Cerinia burn.

  • An Orange and Blue Valentines

    Fox and Krystal spend Valentines Day together. Fox spoils Krystal rotten, as every boyfriend should. A fluffy one shot with our two favorite vulpines being their usual adorable selves. Do please enjoy, and happy (early) Valentines day!

  • Christmas at the Manor

    It's Christmas! And that means Fara is in a bad mood about the snow, her husband is enjoying the cold, and Katt is giving everyone a scandalous gift of some sort. Join our furry friends as first names are revealed, gifts are one upped, and memories of Krystal's antics at the last Christmas party are remembered. And, of course, there's plenty of holiday cheer to be found!

  • A Family of Foxes

    Star Fox has been disbanded and Fox and Krystal are living happy, hum drum lives with their son Marcus. A morning with breakfast in bed leads to an afternoon at the Cornerian Aerospace Museum, and, perhaps, a hint at the future of one particular McCloud. One-shot.

  • Pink and Blue

    Taking place in the time between Adventures and Assault, Krystal gets to know both the Star Fox team as well as the world that they protect. Through it all the lovely miss Katt Monroe is at her side to help her navigate even the most mundane yet alien aspects of her new home, making certain that for Krystal no one fits the definition of "best friend" better than the pink feline.

  • Star Fox Summer Sakura

    Love, romance, and a bit of humor and friendship abound beneath the cherry trees of Corneria City as they begin to shed their blossoms for the approaching summer. Fay and Miyu celebrate a special occasion, Falco and Katt deal with a hyperactive son, Fox and Krystal are forced to mount a rescue operation for their son Marcus, and Fara has a proposition for Bill Grey. One shot.