
  • The Girl With Many Secrets

    Sara Radford is a muggle born witch, who is also a music prodigy. When she meets a certain boy, her life changes completely...Read and find out when her, James Sirius Potter, her brother, and her friends find something out about something about themselves that no one knew about except the Hogwarts Heirs...

  • This Is Gonna Be A Fun Eighteen Months

    Because of bad-timing and stupid judges, Sara Rudden is sent to Camp Green Lake. During her time here at CGL, she meets the D-tent crew and just so happens that a certain camper takes a liking to her. She could have sworn she's seen him before though...

  • I Imprinted, Babe

    I was just supposed to go to uncle Carlisle's place. But NOOO! Some wolf had to imprint on me!

  • The greatest day ever!

    Just read and see! It's worth your eyes' reading pleasure! 3

  • I thought so

    Sara is a Gryffindor at Hogwarts. Her friends are the Potters and the Weasleys. James S. Potter tries to make his wish come true...by dating Sara. Sara thinks he's just a pain in the ass but later finds out his true colors. There will be love wars, new friendships, and Love! Not the dirty kind, ew gross. Just some SNOGGING!

  • Me too

    Another Sara and James S. Potter story. 3 Please read! Very good! James saves Sara from a terrible predicament.

  • Wonderful

    The weasleys are royalty and Harry and Hermione have a wonderful adventure ahead of them! No Voldemort and Lily and Jmes live!