Lara Knight

  • Undercover

    "No, no way" Emily protested, not even looking up from her computer. "What do you mean no way?" JJ asked, mildly offended by how dismissive her boss was being. "No way as in no one would ever believe it" Emily responded, now moving various pieces of paper around her desk attempting to look focused. The blonde stepped towards the desk and placed both her hands down on the papers.

  • Green Eyed Monster

    "You seem a little stressed babe" She quickly added as Beca tried not to react to the word Babe a nickname Chloe often called her. LITTLE BECHLOE ONE SHOT

  • Chemical Reaction

    It's chemical. It's just a chemical reaction that's what Emily tells herself, over and over as her fingers slam into her co worker over and over. It's just a chemical reaction a release for them both. Its just a chemical reaction inside either brains, no feelings just a chemical reaction.

  • Friends

    "Come on, JJ" Emily yelled her voice raw as tears dripped onto her hands. "Come on, JJ" She repeated. Using all her power to press down on JJ's chest. "Come on, JJ. Just stay with me, okay? I need you, JJ" Jemily with flash backs. tittle may change.

  • Sexing up your best friend

    JJ and Emily Femslash Jemily if you will. I snap out of my murderous daydream when I feel Emily's stare on me again. Stupid sex eyes.I would really rather them where they belong, moving up and down my neck and down my chest rather than on him. That's right Emily back to sexing up your best friend.

  • Helping JJ feel

    After a hard case JJ can't feel anything. She drinks until she stumbles into Emily's room. Jemily!

  • 2AM

    2:00 AM My phone lights up. Flashing and ringing in the silent room the caller ID shows its her. Of course its her, its always her. "Emily, I don't love him" she tells me, her voice cracking. I take a breath and down reply straight away, I haven't even said hello yet. I know I've taken too long because she speaks again "Emily, I've made a huge mistake." JEMILY

  • Last Night's Memories

    I hear JJ call out as I leave her room something along the lines of "come back to bed, baby" but I don't think she's awake enough to realise what she's saying. "Go to back to sleep, Jennifer" I call back.