
  • The Duo of SAO

    *Falls in line with SAO Timeline and canon* November 6th 2022 – All 10,000 players logged into Sword Art Online servers and learn of their new prison. An odd duo is formed after hardships. Kaori, a young and petite girl, and Aiden, a mid twenty year old who looks after her. Their journey is full of new friends, and lost ones. After all it's not easy to beat a death game.

  • The Wreckers Time

    A new year has started at Beacon, which means new students. Ranger is one of the many who join the school. She hopes to find an old friend of hers in the chaos that is school. *Permanent Hiatus* I wrote this not knowing the rules of RWBY, thus this story is on Hiatus.

  • RWBY: The Heist

    Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang are the best thief's around. When they team up nobody can stop them. No job is to big for these girls. *Hiatus*

  • Mirrors To The Past

    What happened to Weiss before she came to Beacon? A perfect and happy family? Several friends? Loving parents? Couldn't be further from the truth. Weiss One Shot.

  • Shadows of the Past

    Blake Belladonna has had a difficult past. The person she admired most left her, the family she loved the most turned it's back on their beliefs. Find out what happened in the troubled faunus's past. (Blake One Shot)