

  • Me and Her

    This story is about how Chummy is dealing with the loosing her mother please tell me you think. Happy Reading Thanks. set in 50's

  • The Morning After The Night Before

    I got my inspiration for this fanfiction is from 'The Hangover' films. Be prepared for a fun story!

  • Love Is a Hard Game

    Can Miranda and Gary Getting Back together or is it too late?

  • All I Want for Chistmas is Gary

    it's chistmasssss, I'm writhing an Christmas Fan fiction. Hope you Enjoy. Please Review x

  • A Love story By Gary Person

    hey this is a long FF from Miranda TV show. Will Be added each Saturday thank you for reading please tell me what you think.

  • Two Stars In the Sky

    call the midwife but set in 2014. Chummy (Caz) and peter love story from her point for view. same of the names modernise in fit in time. please tell me what you think and this a long one so please came back. happy reading xx

  • life and times of freddie Noakes

    an collection of short story about Fred life. pleases tell me what you think

  • The Princess and Stable Boy

    hey this my first FF please could what you think please, their is more come thanks xx