
  • Mr Lonely

    Sherlock attempts to matchmake Mycroft with Lestrade. Mycroft goes mental. Featuring a constantly swearing Lestrade, a Holmesian inability to remember a certain name, and that one song by Akon.

  • The East Wind

    Mycroft breaks the news to Sherlock about his exile.

  • The Goldfish Bowl

    When Sherlock is seven, their parents decide that both Sherlock and Mycroft need to meet other children. Sherlock gets a pleasant surprise. Mycroft...doesn't.

  • The Return

    Raven comes back to the mansion. The Brotherhood comes back to the mansion. Even Erik - after seven years and a knock on the head - comes back to the mansion. But as they are about to discover, returning is only the beginning of their problems. After all, a lot can happen in seven years and things...well, things have changed... Erik/Charles and also Charles/Hank. Spoilers for DOFP.

  • To Keep Faith

    Charles meets Old Erik. Old Erik has a request. DOFP spoilers.

  • Max

    When Raven pulls Erik's helmet off, Charles makes another decision. DOFP AU - spoilers for the new film.

  • Erik's Weakness

    "Everyone has a weakness," Erik had once said to Charles, "And exploiting that weakness is fair game." Charles had had issues with this statement, of course. He had said, "Exploiting people is never fair game, Erik." ...In which Charles has to do the unthinkable.

  • One Week

    'Change is that quick, and that destructive. A second is nothing. One week is nothing. Erik thinks about his one week a lot. Too much.' Erik spends one week at the mansion learning how to care - he finds his power, finds friends, finds a home and perhaps even finds love...and then he abandons it all. This is his one week.

  • Deep into that darkness peering

    Nothing happened to Mycroft to make him fear the dark. God knows the world is dark enough in his head, he shouldn't be afraid of the darkness outside. But he is. Always has been. - Holmes Brothers fic, spoilers for series 3, episode 3.

  • Opening the portal

    Harry Potter/Pan's Labyrinth crossover. Lucius meets Pan and things get a bit...sticky. Rated for later chapters! Involves faun porn! PLEASE flame me, I like it! ;