

  • My Last Wish

    (Random One-Shot)MPREG. Dan and Phil need to say goodbye, but this goodbye is the last goodbye they'll ever share. Despite how much they don't want to, all good things must come to an end at some point. Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: Own Nothing.

  • 100 Reasons to Love Dan and Phil: Part 3

    (Random One-Shot) Sequel to the first and second '100 Reasons to Love Dan and Phil'. I had 100 more reaons so I wrote them for you. Hope you enjoy it! Here is 100 more reasons to love Dan Howell and Phil Lester. Disclaimer: Don't Own Anything.

  • I Love You

    (Random One-Shot) It's starts as a normal week but Dan soon catches the flu and needs Phil there to take care of him. (I know it's bad but bear with me here.) Dan/Phil. Phan. Complete and utter fluff coming your way so be ready. Disclaimer: Own Nothing.

  • Fate Brought Us Together Again

    (Requested)MPREG. Both Dan and Phil have shocking news to share with each other which both end in happiness but heartbreak. What happens though in five years when they meet again, but this time Phil has a little girl with him? How will Dan react seeing this little girl with Phil? Will it spark the feelings? Will it bring back the old memories? Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: OwnNothin

  • I'll Always Come Back

    (Random One-Shot) Phil storms out of his and Dan's apartment after getting into a nasty fight with one another. But after some words of wisdom from a random stranger, will Phil turn back and go back to the one he loves or continue on walking away? Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: Own Nor Dan or Phil.

  • You Matter To Me

    (Random One-Shot) Dan doesn't think he matters to the world so he cuts. But what happens when he meets a certain blue-eyed boy? Will he change his mind? WARNING: SELF HARM AND THOUGHTS OF SUICIDE. Disclaimer: Own Nothing.

  • I'm Okay

    (Random One-Shot) MPREG. Fear runs through the mind of Phil when he hears that his husband gets into a car accident. (Okay, I think it's pretty obvious that I'm getting worse and worse at summaries but it's worth the read!) Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: Don't Own Anything.

  • As Long As You're With Me

    (Random One-Shot) Phil left and Dan misses him terribly. (I'm getting worse and worse at summaries but I promise that the story is a lot better than the summary) Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclamier: Own Nothing.

  • Till Death Do You Part

    (Random One-Shot) '"I miss you so much Phil." I said, tears brimming my eyes. "It's so lonely without you." I traced my fingers across the stone. "I wish you didn't go."' (Not much of a summary since I couldn't think of anything... Sorry!). Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: Own Nothing

  • Our Little Family

    (Random One-Shot) MPREG. Dan and Phil are in a bit of a surprise when they find out very shocking news. (I know terrible summary. Couldn't think of anything else.) Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: Don't own Dan or Phil.

  • I Told You So

    (Random One-Shot) Dan gets sick and Phil tells him not to one thing but does Dan listen? Of course not. Complete Fluff. Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: Own Nor Dan or Phil.

  • Dan&Phil:The Music Is All Around

    (Random One-Shot) This is inspired by GingerTips story 'Phan Music Fic'. There really is no summary for it so just feel free to read it. Please, feel free to do this if you like. I had a ton of fun writing this. Dan/Phil. Phan. DISCLAIMER: DON'T OWN ANYTHING.

  • The Boyfriend Tag: Dan Strikes Back

    (Random One-Shot: Sequel to 'The Boyfriend Tag: Phil Edition) Dan and Phil are back doing another boyfriend tag but this time it's Dan asking and Phil answering. Will Phil be able to answer all the questions like Dan or will he miserably fail and be a bad boyfriend? Dan/Phil. Phan. DISCLAIMER: Don't Own Anything

  • Those Are My Maltesers

    (Random One-Shot) The only thing that is needed to say is don't mess with Dan Howell's maltesers. He will murder you. Dan/Phil. Phan. Fluffy fluff. Disclaimer: Owning Nothing.

  • The Boyfriend Tag: Phil Edition

    (Random One-Shot) Phil makes Dan take on 'The Boyfriend Tag' to see how well Dan really knows Phil. Will Dan pass this test or will he make the Internet judge him for being a bad boyfriend? Complete and utter fluff. Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: Own Nothing.

  • Meet The Boyfriend

    (Random One-Shot) Dan is extremely nervous for his family to meet his boyfriend Phil as they have a history of scaring off Dan's dates. Will they finally come around and see how much Phil really means to Dan or will they ruin yet another one of Dan's relationships? Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: Own Nothing.

  • Monsters In The Closet

    (Random One-Shot) Dan and Phil's daughter doesn't want to go to sleep when she thinks there are monsters lurking in her closet. But, with the help of daddy Dan, will she be able to come over and fear and sleep again? Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: Own Nothing.

  • Cherry On Top

    (Random One-Shot) Dan doesn't listen to Phil which results with Phil being mad at him. But will the persuasion of cherries change his mind? Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: Own Nothing.

  • Let Me Help You

    (Random One-Shot) Dan comes out to his family that he's gay. Sadly though, his dad isn't too keen on this news and kicks him out despite all his mother's and brother's protests. So now, Dan is living on the streets without anybody. What happens though when Phil comes to the rescue? Dan/Phil. Phan. Disclaimer: Don't own anything.

  • Ghost Story

    (Random One-Shot) It's Halloween and what better way to spend part of your day than reading ghost stories? Exactly. So that's what Dan and Phil do. Read along and create your own in Phil's interactive Ghost Story. (No Slash. Video Based.) Disclaimer: Own Nothing. Happy Halloween everybody! :)