Amulet Misty

  • Stitched Graffiti

    74 - Shelter - 'Trust me, Neku, I don't think we should go to Akihabara today.' Blue and Green go well together. So do stitches and graffiti, in their own strange yet wonderful way. xx Drabble/Vignette collection. Neku/Shiki.

  • High Five

    It all started with a yellow piece of cloth. One-shot. [Twelve Shots of Summer]

  • We'll Be Counting Stars

    It's the night before Yuma and Chika's official Enlistment and Osamu finds himself unable to sleep. Worrying that they may not make it, his friends are there to reassure him that anything is possible. [Mikumo Squad friendship fic.]

  • The Fate of VIII

    Isa was too busy trying to protect Lea's fate, that he couldn't save his own. One-shot. [Twelve Shots of Summer]

  • Six in the Evening

    "Mum. Where's Ame?" - The moment when Yuki discovers that Ame is gone, and the moment she tries to bring him home. [Twelve Shots of Summer]

  • Seven

    The number seven is a lot of things to Nana Mishima. Today, though, she thinks she hate the number. One Shot. [Twelve Shots of Summer].

  • Tea for the Third

    'The person that had saved him all those years ago, that he had idolised all this time, was the form standing in front of him having an normal conversation with him. Even now, he still found it almost unbelievable.' Kiyotsugu and Rikuo friendship fic. One Shot. [Twelve Shots of Summer]

  • Double Take

    Ikuto's friend invites him to their high school graduation party. He doesn't expect for a certain pink-haired girl to turn up and he certainly doesn't expect the relationship that they have. One Shot. [Twelve Shots of Summer]

  • One-Shot

    Ever since he was a child, Eiji was always draw, draw, drawing! The manga 'genius' would have never received his title, though, if things had turned out differently. [Twelve Shots of Summer]

  • Pride

    Tadase can't help but feel that even when she's with him, her heart is with Ikuto. They're starting to grow apart, and Amu is getting further away, but Tadase won't let himself get dragged along this time. In the end, he has his pride. And he decides to do what's best. [Tadase/Amu/Ikuto]

  • Naive

    Sometimes, he's grateful that Dawn's a bit naive. [One-shot] [Gift-fic for KeytoDestiny]