Ted and Tracy say goodbye to 2013. Follow-up to Sick Day.
Tracy has a dream: she wants to end poverty. Love and altruism come together! (One-shot.)
A series of vignettes showcasing various moments—both pivotal and the mundane—at different points in Ted and Tracy's lives.
"Hey, beautiful." The first time he said those words to her, it was the morning after they first made love. (One-shot.)
One-shot. Ted and Tracy take on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. And they continue to be all lovey-dovey and adorable. (Warning: pure fluff!)
One-shot. Robin and Tracy have a talk. (Missing scene from my story, Drunk in Love.) Pro-T/T, pro-Swarkles.
AU. Ted and Tracy get together under different circumstances: he's still moving to Chicago, and she's still mourning Max. They merely seek physical comfort in one another, but will it develop into something more?
One-shot. Ted and Tracy are having a baby. Fluff and some freaking out ensues.
This epilogue takes place 10 years after the gang reunite at the Farhampton Inn. Where are Ted and Tracy in 2024? Will they get their happily-ever-after? (Rated M, so hide the children!)
One-shot. Ted's reaction to the return of The King. A short fic written quickly after the LeBron James announcement.
Tracy goes big for Ted on Valentine's Day, as told from Tracy's POV. Follow-up to Auld Lang Syne.
One-shot. Ted bumps into someone from his past.
One-shot. "It had been a long while since a guy had done anything for her "just because". Max had been the master of the "just because" surprises and gifts. And Ted was very much catching up with his constant thoughtful, out-of-the-blue gestures."
During the events of "Gary Blauman", what's going on in Tracy's head between the time she tells Ted it's too soon for her to be dating again and the moment she decides to kiss him?
NYC is in the middle of a storm on the night of January 26, 2015. How's the gang riding it out?
Ted finds out that Marshall and Lily have yet to settle their five-dollar bet from "No Pressure". Will Ted and Marshall's friendship survive this revelation?
Christmas 2015. Ted and Tracy celebrate their first Christmas as a family of three. Fluff ensues.
One-shot. A question from Penny prompts Ted to ask Tracy a very important question (again).
Follow-up to A Guiding Force. One year after the wedding, we return to the scene of the crime: the Farhampton Inn.
One-shot. Barney needs Tracy's help. Will her advice change the course of Barney and Robin's marriage and, you know, the HIMYM finale in the process? (Pro-T/T. Pro-Swarkles.) AMENDED: Now with added Barney-Robin fluff!