
  • Yearly Visit

    Donna Temple-Noble is turning 40 today, and she always gets a mysterious present on her birthday from someone she doesn't remember. Only short sweet one-shot, rated T because I'm super nervous, probably more like a K .

  • Not Really There

    Not an AU, more like a theory. Dr. John Watson is treating a patient, a patient he has grown to care about. That patient, William Sherlock Scot Holmes, is dealing with reality in any way he can, but he needs his Doctor's help. It's kind of an alternative to how Series 3 could have started… if Moffat were more evil. Probably a one shot. I suppose another chapter may be possible.

  • A Family Affair

    The Sequel to Sunday tea. Sherlock is getting ready to tell John that he loves him when he gets some disturbing news. Jack Harkness's disappearance is only the beginning of a series of well laid plans meant to distract the detective - but from what? Two people are working to take over the world, and there's only one family that can stop them.

  • A Childhood in the TARDIS

    This is going to be a collection of one shots about Sherlock and Mycroft's lives growing up with Rose and the Doctor. This fic syncs up with my other one, Sunday Tea, but they don't necessarily have to be read together. (Doomsday didn't happen, the Doctor has has not regenerated past ten, Bad Wolf Energy keeps Rose young) Rose/Ten, possibly some Johnlock in later chapters.

  • Sunday Tea

    Sherlock Holmes is smarter than an average human, but what if there was a reason for that? One Sunday John meets Sherlock's parents, a happy blonde girl who looks way too young to have a son in his thirties, and an eccentric man in a pinstripe suit. Doomsday never happened. Rose and Ten were never separated, and the residual Bad Wolf energy keeps Rose young. Rose/Ten, Johnlock