
  • The Witches Dues

    11-year-old Pansy Parkinson took a boon from Hermione Granger, and now it's time for her to pay up. But Hermione's got her own payment in mind. One-Shot.

  • The Guild of Dragons

    Fantasy AU! Lucius Malfoy finds a way to put the Patriarch of House Gresham, his family's competitor, in his debt. The Houses of the land are divided in a struggle for power, but Lucius will mercilessly bend this advantage to his benefit in the form of entry to The Guild to train his son, and the son of House Nott. Thus tipping the balance in the favor of the Houses of The United.

  • The Vagina Monologues with Tom Riddle

    As an 11-year-old girl, and the youngest sister of 6 boys, Ginny Weasley finds herself without a confidant to answer the pressing questions of life. Fortuitously, her dear friend Tom is there to help. One-Shot, no follow up!