Art Of Words

  • The Tenant

    A moment where Jane's thoughts gets the better of him. Set towards the end of the Red John period.

  • Starlight and Daggers

    The most unexpected thing to expect on an expected journey. Follows Kili and Tauriel's story from when the company of Thorin Oakenshield first enter the Woodland Realm, and ends atop Raven Hill. This will be the first installment to a three part story, the second and third being two alternative endings.

  • A Magnitude of Colours

    Jane wrote Lisbon dozens of letters. Of course, that doesn't mean that he sent them all.

  • Annabel Lee

    How Sam went from being ' The Onion Man' to being in love. How Kate went from being ' Miss Katherine ' to ' Kissin' Kate Barlow'. I shall try for this story to be as in canon and as historically correct as fanfiction can be.