
  • Blues From an Airplane

    Since childhood, Wallace has thought that he wanted to be an engineer; but now that Hearst is requiring him to declare a major he isn't so sure. This is what happens when Wallace realizes that his dreams may have changed. One-shot story that precedes the events in the fic "Blue Ocean Floor" (Post Season 3 w/ movie influences AU)

  • Blue Ocean Floor

    Years after leaving Neptune for a job with the FBI on the East Coast, Veronica finds herself returning in order to weather the storm after a botched op. Will Neptune be a safe haven or will it throw her right back into the mess she thought she left behind. AU starting after The Bitch is Back (however some influences from the movie)

  • Same Old Lang Syne

    Veronica and Logan spend the last night of the year together twice - each night resulting in a very different end. Story is consistent with TV and Movie canon