This series starts when Yukina goes on a fake lover date with her cousin Akira Shimotsuki and her school's student body president, Shigure Kitami. She has to choose which is her true lover. Her decision can leave to heartbreaks and dispare. Or it can leave to a happy life with her true soul mate... Will she choose rigth? Rate M for later chapters and cussing. More characters later.
Valentine's Day is around the corner. Two childhood freinds, Megurine Luka and Hatsune Miku can't hide thier affectionate feelings for each other any longer. Heartbroken from a breakup, Miku invites Luka to a sleepover at her house for Valentine's Day to confess her love for Luka. Will the Pinkette accept her love? Or will it be a tragety love ending for the two friends?
Between heaven and hell lies a place call Puragtory were angels are giving a second chance in life and are on missions to return to the human world and distory and collect fallen angels and demon souls. There, A purgatory angel name Luka Megruine saves a young high schooler name Hatsune Miku. Rated T for cussing. Rated M for sexual contact in later chapters. Warning: Yuri and Yaoi