
  • The Melancholy of Gilbert Beilschmidt

    Roderich Edelstein is a student at the world famous W-Academy. He lived a simple life, until one day a certain albino popped in. Gilbert Beilschmidt is anything but a normal student and soon, Rodi finds himself not only the newest member of Gilberts new founded "Awesomeness-Club" but seemingly a magnet for people that are a bit...out of the ordinary. Human alternate universe.

  • A GerIta Wedding

    Germany and Italy are finally going to marry, but Prussia notices there is somthing very off with Italy. With everyone being observed in the wedding preparations nobody seeming to notice the danger, will Prussia be able to make sure there will be a happy ending? Summary sucks, story probably does too. GerIta, PrUk, Ameripan

  • The Officer and the Hippiewoman

    "The name's Hiroko Hagakure. I came to take ya' to a safe place." Oneshot. Set shortly after Danganronpa:another episode. Rated T for mentions of murder and adult themes. Summary sucks, but please, read it anyway.

  • Maybe He's not that bad at all

    Ever since Usami was adopted, there have been two things that make her life hell: her looks and her crazy big adoptive-brother Monokuma. But when Usami sees her brother having big trouble, will she come to his rescue or just trun away? AU Human!Usami and Human!Monokuma. Rated T for language. Slight hints of Monocest. (Usami/Monomi x Monokuma)

  • Danganronpa: another story

    AU in wich Mondo did not kill Chihiro. Starts shortly after Leons Execution: Yamada has been found murdered and Ishimaru seems to be the only suspect. Can Mondo and Chihiro prove they're kyoudais innocence? Ishimondo if you squint. My first fic so please be nice to me. Reviews are always welcome.

  • Just a normal day

    "Is something the wrong, Itary-kun?"-"No, just-a Germany, letting himself getting kidnapped again-a." Oneshot. Personality-swap AU. Mild GerIta.