
  • Fireworks

    Alternate ending to the episode Fireworks. It's only short. I hope you enjoy.

  • Affair

    Lee and Lucy embark on an affair whilst Guy's in Thailand. Bad summary again because I don't really know what to say. Read and so I know the image for this story isn't from the episode dating.

  • Back from war

    There's an assault course happening in Waterloo Road. Troops from the army devise it and is there a surprise for a certain headmistress?

  • Storms

    There's a thunder storm and someone is scared. But the question is are thunder storms really that bad? I'm really no good when it comes to summaries. Don't let it put you off. Please enjoy and review. And the rating at because I get a bit paranoid.

  • Comfort

    Can comfort lead to more in the end? Alternative ending to series 2 episode 7.

  • Pretend

    Prequel to Shocks and Surprises at Christmas. Lee's friends from the north are coming over to stay and he needs to find a pretend girlfriend and fast! Will Lucy be willing to comply? And will things turn out for the best? Again crap at summaries. Completed.

  • The Box

    Alternative ending to Series 6 Episode 7- Magic. What could have happened if Lee and Lucy were trapped in that box for longer...

  • World Cup

    Lee/Lucy established relationship. The first England match is on and Lee want to watch but Lucy says no so, naturally they argue. Crap summary. The stories better I promise. There's a little bit of swearing and it gets a little suggestive. I hope you enjoy and any requests I shall try and write them.

  • NGO

    Basically a selection of one shots I end up writing. Any suggestions are helpful and if I end up writing it then it'll be added to this story instead. Everything is explained inside. They're completely separate from each other unless I say otherwise. 13th story up.

  • Baby

    First chapter won't be up until late Feb. I want to see if anyone's interested. Lee and Lucy are trying to have a baby without much luck. Not very funny and quite serious. I bet that's put you off but please don't let it have.

  • Fairytale

    It's AU. Lee's a prince and is fed up of staying in the palace. So one day he decides to escape for a bit. What happens when he meets Lucy? It's rated T because I'm paranoid and the occasional swear word. It's all made up even the palace in London. I don't own anything that is real in this fic.

  • Holiday

    Could be considered as an alternative to the episode Plane. What if they actually went on holiday? Or it could be considered as a different story all together. It's up to you. Please read and review. Thanks.

  • Cheating death

    Lee and Lucy are dying...yup dying. And they finally realise what they mean to each other but never actually get the words out...will they survive? And if they do will they actually be able to get the words out?

  • Plane

    Alternative ending to the episode Plane. I wanted to upload this before tonight's episode. Also I didn't want to upload to NGO because it's long enough to be a stand alone and because it's an alternative.

  • Divorce

    Lee and Lucy are getting a divorce. Will they resolve their issues or will it all end in disaster. I really can't write summaries. Might be the occasional swear word later on.

  • Pointless

    Following on from the ending of the Pointless episode.

  • Shaving

    Lucy helps Lee to shave his face the old fashioned way. I need help on my other fic Affair!

  • Kicked out

    Lee gets kicked out of the flat .Will he and Lucy ever make up? Will there be any consequences? Rubbish summary sorry. Please review and any suggestions would be helpful!

  • Undercover

    Reddie. Read and find out.

  • School work

    Nothing After JE happened! It will be a slight crossover with Waterloo Road but not till later on. I thought more people will see it here rather than the crossover section. Doctor/Donna, Reddie.