
  • Greenhouse Knight

    AU. Cordelia and Misty are students at Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies. Misty is a new student getting bullied, Cordelia feels a draw to her.

  • Your Face Is Like A Melody

    For the foxxay fanfic challenge on tumblr. theme: first kiss. A reimagining of episode 12 when Cordelia found Misty entombed.

  • Thank You

    Prompted on tumblr. Misty stands up to Fiona to defend Cordelia.

  • She's Mine

    The new students at the academy don't seem to realize Misty is taken.

  • Best Birthday Ever

    Cordelia finds out that Misty has never celebrated her birthday before and sets out to correct that injustice.

  • There's No Remedy For Memory

    Misty returned from hell to discover while she was stuck repeating the same event everyone else had moved on.

  • I Feel The Same Way

    Cordelia isn't one to get jealous so why does she feel this way watching Misty and Zoe interact.

  • Chocolate Accidents

    Misty competes in her first Easter egg hunt.

  • No Reason

    For the foxxay challenge. Prompt: jealousy. Cordelia shouldn't feel this way but she can't help it

  • Special

    Prompted on Tumblr. Cordelia displays new powers while standing up to Fiona. Takes place between episodes 9 and 10.

  • Never Listen to Madison

    Prompted on tumblr. Madison finds out Misty is going on her first date and decides to have a little fun.

  • Love to Love Her

    smutty first time goodness.

  • Dark Paradise

    Slight AU. Misty doesn't get entombed by Madison and Cordelia doesn't stab her eyes out. Misty has feelings for her headmistress but before she can express herself tragedy strikes. TW: mentions of/Implied suicide.