

  • more than meets the eye

    they are not a couple. of this, the entirety of ferryport landing high school is sure. [canon divergence.]

  • midnight

    he is everything he used to be—a mess, a trickster, and a boy at heart. [pre-epilogues.]

  • make it rain

    she has never cried so much in her life, and puck doesn't think he's seen her at a weaker point. [post-canon.]

  • so this is goodbye

    "there is a love in her eyes he cannot fathom, and it tears him apart." trisha ღ hohenheim.

  • flower fingers & peridot pupils

    She finds his eyes to be very bright. Too bright, even. Literal suns embossed into his summer sand skin, flaunting the curlicue dimples at the corners of his mouth. utau ღ kukai.

  • a boy, a girl, an endless stretch of scenery

    He asks her once if she thinks they'll get married, and she scoffs, training her eyes on a place pinned at the end of picturesque Ocean Boulevard, dotted with birches on one side and open to the salt scented sea on the other. skye ღ jeffrey.

  • (cause you) make me move

    Sabrina's lips twitch as she attempts to stifle a giggle herself, because here he is again, this ungodly repeat offender of a punk who deigned to fall in love with her at the mere age of twelve, coming back to press a kiss to her ear. sabrina ღ puck.

  • miffed

    you do know why your pigface of a sister is sulking, right? [pre-epilogues.]

  • vapor on vapor

    she takes a sip from her shot glass and squeezes her eyes shut. bitter things don't go well with innocent people, he figures.

  • dance with me, dumbass

    in which she asks him to dance, and he finally agrees. [childhood au.]

  • graveyard in my mouth

    he gets into the habit of counting the things it's too late to say. one-shot series. shishio-centric.