

  • Cat and Mouse

    A crash sounded above and a woman fell from a second story window to the concrete below, landing on the scattered broken glass with a grimace. Shaking off the pain, she looked back up at the building, wide blue eyes searching… RE3 drabble between Jill and Nemesis.

  • Countermeasure

    "Now, are you going to keep disobeying orders?" Megatron growled lightly, lifting the Seeker's helm with a claw hooked under his chin so their optics met. Starscream just shivered and shook his helm.

  • Insurgence

    Daniella's lips twitched into a terrifying, unnatural smile. "I am not complete…this can be remedied. Didn't you want me to be perfect…Master?" She leaned down to whisper something Fiona couldn't hear, and the look of utter horror on Lorenzo's face chilled her blood to ice.

  • The Game

    "My greatest mistake…" The Decepticon warlord growled, entering the empty bridge, dragging his whimpering second in command by the helm, only to lift him effortlessly and throw him across the room. "M-My liege..." Starscream whined. SS/M, sticky.

  • Nec Aspera Terrent

    Claire asks Leon to train a new TerraSave recruit from the organization's new European branch. Fiona/Leon