
  • Why You Should Stay

    A certain someone doesn't want to see her boyfriend leave so soon. A list composed by Alicia Spinnet for her boyfriend. Told a day before the Weasley twins leave the school.

  • The Populars and the Geeks

    Two groups of friends, the populars and the geeks, have loathed one another since the very first day they set foot in Dauntless High School. But a class trip forces the two groups to interact, to get to know each other. Follow the two entirely separate groups as they slowly become one.

  • Always Remember

    Always remember those lost. The Battle of Five Armies comes and goes, taking three heirs with it. Oneshot.

  • 161 Things I Am Not Allowed To Do On A Journey

    While visiting the town of Bree, Thorin sets a long list of rules for his nephews on what they are not allowed to do. Fili and Kili, being Fili and Kili, make it their job to break all those rules. Of course. WARNING: Futuristic girls, unicorns, Rhosgobel Rabbits, cronuts, and many failed attempts at getting out of trouble are included. Beware!

  • Dear FanFiction Writers

    The characters of Divergent's opinions about things written about themselves. A file of complaints from their viewpoints!