
  • The Power of Pulsars

    Meet Team PLSR, a chaotic collection of would-be hunters and huntresses. Read their trials and tribulations during their time at Beacon. Cry as they experience necessary character trauma...I mean, drama. Laugh as they find new ways to brutally murder unsuspecting grimm. Okay, seriously, just read my damn story already. Pretty Please? Rated M for hilariously bloody fight scenes.

  • Age of Inheritance

    So, what happens when an escapee from the Age of Apocalypse finds himself stranded in Alagaesia? The answer is violence, with a side of god-complex. Click here to find out whether or not this was just a shameless attention grabber. Rated M for language, violence.

  • The Dredded Zero

    A Mega City One Judge. A struggling noble mage. Mix them together and watch as they experience humorous cultural misunderstandings, uncomfortable amounts of violence, and waayy too many hormones. NOT a pairing. Seriously though, please read this. You won't regret it. (I hope)