

  • Mutants inc

    A parody of monsters inc

  • Hahli and Metabee elusive angel chronicles

    Quickly our heroes are thrown into another dilemma as Metabee seems to still have some problems...or should I say Hahli? Due to an accident, the two switch bodies, and now have difficulty playing each other's roles. Plus another experiment is loose.

  • Barbadogascar

    A remake of madagascar only with different characters

  • Megaman battle network tenkai beasts

    It was a normal day for Lan and his friends until one day the tenkai knights arrived in their world! They said they were human, what's worse is that the cybeasts returned and revived the corrupted army, its up to Lan, Megaman and the tenkai knights to stop them and save the world as they meet new friends, new enemies new powers and new transformations

  • Sonic crossteam:Tenkai masters

    Kenny accidentally sends a wave that transforms every hero the team met, can the transformed heroes fix this and revert back to normal? SonXEll, SonXGur, GurenxTwilight, mostly ToxsXDash

  • Max the Ultra-Link

    Max woke up one day he found out he got turned into a Ultra-Link like Steel! How did this happen? Will he ever return to normal before Makino gets him? Will Steel help him?

  • Switcheroo

    What happens when Twilight switches the bodies of her friends even her own?

  • Sonic Crossteam Tenkai Warriors: The Swap of The Heroes

    The Beast King swaps everyone's bodies, wings and tails, colors, and species! Will they ever switch back?

  • A tenkai knight problem

    When the Quardians sabotaged the 6 core bricks which left them stuck as their knight forms, will they ever change back? "Okay, I don't know how I'm literally stuck as a robot. Well, I am, but I'm not on Quarton! Even my friends are stuck like this! Oh boy, how are we going to explain this when we're on earth?"

  • Godzilla

    Godzilla:Parody of Shrek. Godzilla lived the life of a loner. But when toons invade his home, he and his "friends" must save Princess Luna for the evil Lord Lotso But will love find him first? Pairings:GodzillaxPrincessLuna

  • Unity, duty, beast destiny

    The toa metru are sent to an ambian world as ambian beast zords, will they become the weapon the planet wants them to be?

  • Human no more

    After their battle with Grezar, the tenkai knights and the guardians of triton faced a new threat who threatens to revive the cybeast and make it his new body to conquer the world, things get worse as the new evil traps the boys in their tenkai knight forms which can be reversed with Tritonium, will they save the world and return to normal?

  • Equestrian knights

    When using a portal weapon goes wrong, The boys, Arrow and Leona get sent to equestria, but upon arriving, they realize they aren't humans and tritonians anymore! Neither they are ponies, will they ever get home?

  • Cybernetic Tenkai Power

    Legend says about a red haired boy whose mind was transfered into living data, that living data was a navi called Megaman, can he and his friends including the mind causing the strange dreams and his friends get the body of the boy back?

  • Hahli and Metabee Switcheroo!

    An experiment with the ability to switch bodies is loose! What trouble it will cause?

  • Hahli and Metabee (my version)

    This is my own story but im using other characters for now

  • Body swap

    What happens when the cyan and green rangers even Applejack and Pinkie Pie switch bodies? Will they switch back?

  • The heroes are their own allies?

    Pinkie sends a wave that turned Guren into Metabee, Ceylan into Omega-xis, Chooki into Megaman, Toxsa into Stegotchi, Sonia into Rarity, Arrow into Fbeast, Kai into Spike, Manic into Drago and Goku into Tuperanda! Where are the real ones? Will the team help them return to normal?

  • Mane six as the first six

    Sonic, Elly, Blob, Rex, Ben, Kai, and Arrow accidentally beasted out and woke up the next day switched bodies with the mane six and spike! The tenkai knights, Manic, Sonia, Seth and Goku must find a way to switch them back as the switched heroes and mane six take a peek of their powers.

  • Poison transformation joke

    When The Tenkai Knights, Arrow, Blob, Ben, Rex, Jerry the minion, Sonia and Jake the rabbid stepped on poison joke on the my little pony world to save Keys the luminari, they suffer the effects affecting their transforming equipment, leaving serious results.