What if you had the ability to kill someone just by looking at them? Thus is the fate of Jiao Dao a girl living on Kyoshi Island. To turn something to ash, to burn right through it with just a stare. However, after she finds out her ability can kill even spirits she decides to travel with the Avatar locating a certain monster all while trying to keep her sanity.
After Azula's escape, she becomes the Lord of the crime underworld in Capital City, ruling everything with an iron fist show little mercy to those who would dare appose the Lord Gang. However, her daughter Weilan is displeased by her mother's ruling methods. So she sets off into the slums of the city trying to create her own gang and take the title from her mother. OC heavy.
Hua life hadn't really been going well. First a strange parasite from beyond the stars jumps into her body changing her. Then the White Lotus try to capture her and use her as a weapon. When she finally escapes to Republic City she starts to be chased by Avatar Korra. Usually people are chasing after the Avatar, not the Avatar chasing after other people.
Sync was sent to find a weapon somewhere in Keterburg. However what he got was something rather annoying. Though it seemed that she did have some connection to the past. She was a weapon after all, at least that is what everyone assumed she was. Though there was something more to such a story. After all, her creator wanted eternity...whatever that meant.
It's a human scavenger hunt! Go around, trying to find idiots that got the message, be careful not to let the Ultimate Despair catch you with their abilities! It's a tour Across Japan, filled with danger and oddness, after all, success is only worth something when one can fail and failure is only soul crushing when you can succeed. Major DR1 and SDR2 Spoilers!
A story about an amnesiac and a spoiled brat, he wants to find out about his past, she wants to relieve her boredom. One should take an active role in finding out about their past and relieving their boredom, so it only makes sense that they go across the world trying to figure it out right. After all she may be a little bossy, but he doubts that she is completely shallow.
Kagome thought she was done with demons for the time being when she wished the Jewel out of existence, but once demon's started to appear in her town it seemed that she is forced to start fighting, this time with her love ones on the line. Though it is difficult to keep things hidden when your partner in Inuyasha who is the opposite of subtle.
Azula has died, she's been dead for nearly seventy years, but when's she's called back to play a game in Republic City, she has a opportunity to gain a wish at any cost. Though, things might be more complicated for the former princess when she has the work together with a group of idiots while hiding her identity from Avatar Korra. Azula/OC may be Femslash. Rework of Misty Moon.
Our story starts like every story does Luke meets Tear they are flung to a familiar valley but when they meet a young demon girl things start to go off the tracks, changing the course of world forever...at least the course of the world for certain people. Sync/OC...maybe, Rewrite since the original is pretty bad looking back on it.
She killed people, it wasn't her fault. That thing made her do it...those people attacked her and the thing acted in self defense. As long as she didn't feel violence she would not do violence. Though it seemed the Fire Nation did not understand that, so it was only natural that they kept sending men to die. What was inside her was no spirit however...
Deep under the surface of the world, was a town, a town filled with lights and Sky Scrappers, no bender or nation above knew about this place and those below only had a vague idea of the surface. However, one girl below wanted to see the Stars, so she decided to risk everything and the safety of others for her wish. However, she quickly learned the faults of change. (OC Story)
AU, 50 years ago, Non-benders started to exhibit genetic mutations in the brain which lead to odd abilities. These are known as Alters, these mutations had lead to a large amount of problems between benders, non-benders and Alters as a whole. One such person that exhibit such a trait is Asami Sato. When circumstance lead her to murder someone, she is forced to meet with the Avatar.
Weird people are sent to a weird place, it's a rather simple story...except it's not simple at all. When Heroes are pulled from different worlds for the amusement of others, it's only natural that some of them have issue with it, to the point where perhaps not summoning them at all would have been better. (Massive Crossover)
Strange things have been happening in Republic City since the Harmonic Convergence, avatar's from the past have been appearing around the city for something as simple as a wish. To gain the wish they just have to removed the Avatar or their partner from the area. One such Avatar and partner is Kyoshi and Guojia.
A girl leaving in a small village colonized by the Fire Nation cursed her uselessness, one night while being chased by a group of Fire Nation guards, a creature appears and viciously tear them apart, instead of showing fear however, the girl is joyed that someone or something would save her. Though her savior is far more twisted then anything the spirits could create.