Ranowa Hikura

  • Hymns, Half steps, and Harmonies

    In which Rin's decompression method becomes Kakashi's, and Kakashi learns how to balance being a shinobi with having a life. Maybe. Long oneshot, sequel to Demon by Nature.

  • The Line Between Idealism and Realism

    Post-anime. Seishin and Toshio meet again. "In that moment, Toshio wanted it so much he actually saw it- the stake, piercing through his nonbeating heart."

  • Empty

    AFTER STORY SPOILERS: No one thought to call the old drama club when Nagisa died. So when they showed up to congratulate the Okazakis on the new baby, they destroyed what bare threads of sanity Tomoya had left.

  • Jupiter's Curse

    While Matthew and company race around to try and end the eclipse, Isaac, Garet, Ivan, and Mia try to do their own part in saving those trapped in it. The mission goes awry when Ivan is left stranded in an eclipsed forest, and comes across something that he can not handle. Slight implied mudshipping (in ch. 2), slight implied sandstormshipping.

  • Everybody Lies by Omission

    In which House says everything in what he doesn't say. House doesn't know why he's playing the game, just that he is. Wilson, Cuddy, and his team don't know what's going on, just that something is up with House. Chase doesn't know anything, just that House is always there. Anti-Chameron, House/Chase if you squint; pretty much just Chase whump and House mucking it up.

  • Downsides to a Conscience

    Or, how Severus Snape ended up rooting around Ginny's head to try and save her life. Really- having a conscience was so pesky at times. AU during CoS, long oneshot, onesided Snape/Lily.

  • Promise

    Leon/Yuri. Yuri doesn't care that he's not the reason for the change in Leon, he doesn't care Sora's caused everything and he's done nothing- he's just glad the change happened at all.

  • Corporal

    Badly injured, miles outside the walls, and not expecting a rescue, Eren and Levi are left with nothing but waiting to die. Surprisingly, Levi is the talkative one.

  • All in an Instant and Before

    What happens when your worst enemy is yourself? What happens when your best friend is a voice in your head? And what happens when they're both not real? Full summary inside.

  • Demon by Nature

    Kakashi disappeared the night Sakumo killed himself. Two years later, Minato, Obito, and Rin get a mission to investigate claims of a demon that controls lightening haunting a village in Iron Country. Gen. Mega long oneshot, and, my 100th story!

  • Word of Mouth

    How word spreads of Kutner's suicide. Rated for character death, oneshot.

  • Hold on to

    They're all still holding on to something. Till Death do us Part tag. Slight Tiva and onesided McAbby (or friendship, whatever your preference).

  • Future You Deserve

    The final fight at Prison Island goes differently. They went there to fight the one who betrayed them, but at the fight's end, Shulk doesn't even want to go on- not without a future worth saving. Major late game spoilers, no pairing, character death.

  • Of Symbolism and Friendship

    Post-game. Ib/Garry parental fluff (no pairings). Ib and Garry talk about their time in the gallery together, Garry explains a few things, and Ib points out something Garry may have missed all along.

  • A hero

    Oneshot; Harry and Minerva go to tell the Creevey's about Colin's death after Deathly Hallows. Not romantic and not strictly accurate with canon.

  • Secrecy

    Set during OoP. Snape deals with McGonagall's injury. SS/MM, but focuses on Snape. Oneshot.