Z. Ashes

  • Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

    Erika and Kyouya are finally going to be able to spend their first Christmas as a real couple. At least, that's what Erika would like. Yet, Kyoya is not really up for her ways of wanting to celebrate. (One Shot)

  • The Shadow Prince

    Rina wakes up in a cell, with no idea of where she is or who she is. She is put on trial because she is seen as a threat, and she was found outside the wall with no memory of her past. Captain Levi then decides to train Rina as a member of the Survey Corps, until she fully regains her memory. Who is Rina? And how come she has forgotten everything prior to being locked up?

  • Means Of Existance

    Izaya Orihara is bored. Very bored. While roaming the city of Ikebukoro one night, he happens to meet with someone who might be able to entertain him for a bit. (One Shot)

  • Dear Diary

    Yato and Yukine discover that Hiyori keeps a diary in her possession. Curious as to what lies inside the pages, Yato and Yukine team up to try and steal her diary without her knowing. The boys will learn though, that it is harder then they thought it would be. (One Shot)

  • A Work of Art

    When Yato decides to enter a local art competition, Hiyori is amazed at what he decides to paint for his entry. (One Shot)

  • Winter Wonderland

    Everyone decides to have a day out ice skating during the winter. Hiyori doesn't want to join everyone else though, and this concerns Yato. So he decides to see what is bothering Hiyori. (Two-Part One Shot)

  • Beautiful Loser

    A world without Light Yagami is meaningless to Misa. So when she decides to end her life, a certain man tries and stops her. Will it be enough to change her mind and fix her broken heart? (One Shot)

  • All's Fair In Love And Chips

    Yato and Hiyori are watching the house while the others are out groccery shopping. When Yato decides to cause michief, Hiyori tries to stop him. This leads to a stituation Hiyori never thought she would find herself in. (One Shot)

  • The Hero of Ikebukuro

    Everyone always feared Shizuo Heiwajima. No one dared to ever face him, and ones who have, haven't lived to tell the tale. Shizuo beats a man when he sees him picking on a kid, and a woman wants to make sure that she shows him her appreciation. (One Shot)

  • Angel

    For the last week, Rin has noticed a girl on his morning jogs. What will happen though, when she notices him one faithful morning? (One Shot)

  • White Lily

    (One Shot) After going out for the day, Sophie becomes a bit doubtful about some things, and wants to speak to Howl about them. Can he assure Sophie of the truth?