Aku No Kokoro

  • Denial and Differences

    Two Yordles who are, for the most part alone in the world. Except that they have each other.

  • Punching Through Life

    Vi's thoughts at several instances in her life after joining the police force. All regarding a certain sheriff. One-sided Vi/Caitlyn

  • The Next Chapter in the Tome

    Life goes on in the unknown. Little snippets of various areas. On Hiatus.

  • Breaking Points

    So many were being reached that day. Midgame spoilers (Pride Before a Fall). Wish fulfillment AU

  • After Nightmare

    A time of peace for one and all, except for those unlucky enough to fight for it and remember. Future AU.

  • An Unexpected Turn of Events

    Timmy's at it again, pursuing Ms. Trixie Tang as always. Although maybe a certain experience can make him see that someone "worse" was actually someone better? One-shot.