
  • Signal Fire

    A hydrokinetic starts Sky High with Will & co. What's her story and what will she bring to the famous school? What will happen when she and a certain pyro meet? One thing's for sure; Kaitlyn Rivers is nothing he's ever encountered before. OC/Warren. Follows main plot with minor deviations. High T for language and dark themes. Previously 'Taming the Wild Fire'

  • Dancing in the Rain

    Yona & co. have just left Shin-ah's village, and are on their way to hunt down Ryokuryuu. They have a seemingly insignificant pit-stop on the way. But, maybe, in this small town, there may be treasure to be found. (FYI, I use some of the Japanese names because I think they sound better.) Shin-ah/OC

  • Freefall

    An old friend of Brains needs rescue from mental demons, and IR takes on the mission to help her feel safe and happy again. Welcoming this willful young woman into their family will certainly spice up some missions and maybe even stir up some new feelings in one of the brothers. Friendship/family/adventure/OC romance. M for themes and language

  • Lumos

    Genevieve Snow's family has been killed. The Weasleys decide to take her into their family, and she joins third year at Hogwarts for the first time. Her life lately has been a rollercoaster, but with a family like the Weasleys and best friends like Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, it's going to get even more interesting. Adventure/family/friendship/romance/fantasy/hurt/comfort