Shadows of Starlight

  • Bad Habits

    They'd gotten into this bad habit of sleeping together ever since they came to the world ten years later. ... The thing was, though, that they'd never seemed to stop. ie, Gokudera and Tsuna wind up sleeping together, in a totally innocent way at first, and that's how it remains for a long time. And then... that... changes somewhere along the way.

  • Lipgloss and Lollipops

    In which Shu gets a brand new perspective on several things he thought he already knew inside and out. Namely in regards to his own potential (in bed and out).

  • Harry Potter and the Trouble with Veela

    Something, or someone, is targeting the Veela population of Wizarding Britain and the Ministry of Magic is called to action. Auror Harry Potter isn't sure why, but he has a Very Bad Feeling about this. Veela!DracoxHarry, MM. DH compliant, but EWE .