

  • Enchanting the hero's heart

    Sportacus is sure Robbie is magical in some way and when he discovers what Robbie is he becomes determined to win Robbie for his own.

  • Soul song

    Another soulmates story. The elder of two elves that is part of a soulmate pair will sing to draw their soulmate to them. Robbie and Sportacus as usual.

  • You are my fate

    This is a rather crazy story with some fairy tale hints. When Sportacus is struck down by his fairy tale fate Robbie is confronted with his too.

  • The Winter Joust

    The head master is holding the annual Winter Joust. Darling wants to take part, but due to the rules of the joust she can't, however Raven thinks she can help with her problem.

  • Floral Admirer

    Someone is sending Raven beautiful romantic floral messages. The problem, she has no idea who it is. So with a list of suspects as well as Apple and Maddie's help Raven is determined to solve the mystery.

  • How did I fall for you

    Prophecies and Loki, well no one said life as an immortal was easy, not when it means that the god of lies can save you all if he will tell the truth. Eventually Loki/Thor

  • Loki please

    Loki/Thor What do you have to give the goddess Hel to get back the one you love?

  • Gambling with Love

    Very drunk immortals and wagers. Never a good combination, especially when the one their wagering on is Loki. Thor/Loki

  • Storm's have tears

    yeah this fic, it's well odd yeah stick to that. Loki/Thor

  • Masked confessions

    A version of Cinderella involving Loki and Thor. Slightly AU but not very. As always my fairy tales are a little different from what you mgith expect.

  • Colour Pallet

    Spock discovres Jim can paint...well what were the chances of that? Warning this is just fluff nothing more nothing less.

  • Rings of fate

    Yeah, a distictly lord of the rings feeling to this fiction. Really an experimaent so if no one likes I won't bother continuing.

  • Raining love

    just a short random one shot for my favorit pair. SS/HP. Something happens in the rain.

  • Flowers for severus

    Severus is being wooed guess who by... Slash fan fiction, so if you don't like don't read. No beta she is buissy at the moment so go easy on my spelling and grammer. Chapter five was rewitten after complaints.

  • Silence

    Set sevral years after the books, Harry isn't talking and Severus wonders why. Slash, don't like don't read.

  • Only detention

    Yes a detention fanfic, just a short little one shot, yes it's slash.

  • Lovely mistletoe

    Just a little bit of seasonal fluff and fun, so please treat this as such. It's a one shot. Slash so if you don't like then please don't read.

  • Yule Ball

    A little something seasonal, quiet fluffy, for Harry and Severus, no particular year. If you don't like this couple don't read. Compleated unless I get requests for more!

  • Poison and princes

    I decided it was Harry and Severus's turn to get a fairy tail, so a very, very odd version of Snow white, done for fun please treat it as such. Slash so if you don't like don't read.

  • Invisible

    Yeah my version of the potions gone wrong story. This is rather diffrant from my normal. Slash don't like don't read. DM/HP Very ansty for me. Hinted at unwanted attentions by another party LM. No year mentioned but i don't do under age so yeah.