

  • The beginning A love story

    Adventures and dramas will unfold as the Marauders and their friends, including Lily, embark on their journey. Their journey is long and difficult but filled with many good memories. Will James ever win the heart of his true love? How will the dangers of

  • The Newcomers

    Harry knows something weird is going on when Remus refuses to tell him something about a letter. there will be new arrivels and adventures as Ron, Harry and Hermione, discover the truth.

  • The Revealment

    Harry and Ron inform Hermione about what happened last night. But what will happen when they venture into the forbidden forest? Just when they thought they were safe, death eaters strike. But is someone there to help?

  • Death Eater?

    Something weird is going on with Dumbledore when he hsa four very mysterious guests at a secretive meeting. Harry and Ron have stumbled upon the meeting but someone else knows they're there. What will they find out?