
  • Come Home With Me

    "Ron wasn't the only one whose family invited Harry to stay with them, welcoming him with open arms and unconditional love."

  • Why Isn't She Knocking?

    One day, Anna stops knocking at Elsa's door. Elsa wonders if Anna will ever knock at her door again. (Set during "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" era.)

  • Selfishness and Selflessness

    Anna reflects and realises on her selfishness during the coronation party, when she had refused to talk alone with Elsa. But it is Elsa who helps her see just how selfless she is too.

  • Aftershocks

    Anna's once all-encompassing trust for everyone is shaken. She has Elsa and Kristoff, but the hairline faults scar the geography of her heart. She confides in Kristoff one afternoon of her subconscious troubles. [Kristanna]

  • Snow Drifts in Sotto Voce

    Elsa's songless transformation from queen to pure majesty in isolation.

  • A Reindeer Song Without Words

    A reimagination of Kristoff and Sven's "Reindeer Song" without using any of the lyrics at all. Delving into Kristoff's thoughts and actions, I reimagine how this scene would play out without the use of any of the lyrics (in this case, they are only alluded to, but not explicitly mentioned). Part of a potential "Sans Lyrics" series I am working on.

  • The Heart of Stone

    With each refusal to let the Hebrews go, Rameses' heart and flesh rapidly turns into stone. A fanfic written for Halloween 2014. Sweet dreams!

  • Lost Heirloom

    The senet table shattered during the chariot race was a heirloom to one of the players. Here, he shares his frustration on the "recklessness of youth" and his unshakeable fear of "his father's father's father's ghost" haunting him for the rest of his life for losing the heirloom. Rated T for mild language and references to alcohol.

  • King's Mother

    What if Queen Tuya was still alive when Moses returns to Egypt? Moses is now married to Tzipporah, and they have one son, Gershom. Now twelve years after Moses's exile from Egypt, they return to confront Pharaoh, only to find Queen Tuya is still alive. How will this change the course of Moses' confrontation with Pharaoh Rameses? COMPLETE.

  • Little Brother, Big Brother

    Rameses meets his new baby brother for the first time. A quick and warm fluffy feelings read.

  • A Smile For a Statue

    What exactly happened to that anonymous painter who drew a smile on the statue of Seti when he was knocked off his perch during the chariot race scene in "Prince of Egypt"? This short, quick story strives to answer that question! A light-hearted, quick read.

  • Inconsolable

    What if someone, namely Rameses' wife, Nefertari, had seen Moses weeping outside the palace after the death of the first born?

  • Thirty Glimpses of Egypt

    30 days, 30 drabbles of exactly 100 words that follow Moses and Rameses from Yocheved sending Moses down the Nile to Moses' final, triumphant deliverance of his people. There will be one drabble a day for thirty days.

  • In Your Absence

    Though Moses has gone from Egypt, he will never stop being Rameses' brother, even when the latter finds out the former's true origins.

  • Frost and Defrost

    Set during the song "For the First Time in Forever", Elsa is having trouble with her practice for her coronation in the library when Anna comes in, quickly seeing the ice coating the fallen candlestick.

  • Refusal To Harm

    No matter how much Hotep and Huy try to persuade him, Rameses will never harm his brother whether that be direct or indirect. Even as Moses brings down plague after plague on Egypt, Rameses will not hurt Moses, the man he had once called brother. (Rated T for mentions of torture, execration (magical cursing), and discussion of execution.)

  • Dreams Blessed and Cursed

    Joseph's gift of seeing the future in dreams, whether his own or others, is both a blessing and a curse. A series of vignettes showing his dreams and experience of events as times of blessings or curses.

  • Of Conversations and Sleds

    One day, Anna overhears a conversation between Elsa and her council discussing the comission of a new sled for Kristoff. Originally written for a prompt on Tumblr.

  • The Ice Harvester's Hat

    Hours after the Great Thaw, Anna returns to her bedroom to discover the hat that Kristoff had given her when she was freezing to death on the way back to Arendelle.

  • Apologies Sent and Unsent

    Elsa has written many apology letters for Anna since childhood, but none of them were ever sent. Elsa has also kept every letter from Anna, even when the younger had written in a moment of very low spirits.