Idle Stripe

  • My Hero

    Ethan needs to write about someone that influenced his life for a project, but he needs a bit of help finishing it.

  • His Uncle's Eyes

    Drabble. Tora meets George's children for the first time and notices something special.

  • A Grievous Lesson

    While visiting his brother's grave, George receives a visit from someone who knows more about grief than he thinks. No pairings, just family fluff.

  • Empath

    Stuck behind a desk all day, Tora has taken to reading body language as a form of entertainment. What does this mean for Draco Malfoy? This was churned out in the space of two days, so it's not my best. No pairings beside canon ones.

  • Ravenclaw Musings

    This is the product of boredom and listening to Panic! At The Disco. Bored in the Ravenclaw common room, Tora and Ryu take time to discuss theme songs for each of the four houses with interesting results. No pairings.

  • Don't Know: Songfic

    Draco's heading off to become a Death Eater. Will Tora be able to wait for him? Songfic to Joanne's 'Don't Know'. Rated for language, mostly. DracoOC.

  • The 10 Rules Of Dating

    Draco's finally going on a date, but what does Ryu have to do with it? And what is that list he's written all about? Rated for slight language abuse.