

  • Hermione And The Broken Time Turner

    The time turner lay peacefully around Hermione's neck. No one knew what would happen. No human being knew how powerful a broken trinket could be. "If you really can't stand not knowing what memories are in there, then let's have a look!" Hermione shouted. (Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or it's characters) All ships are canon (for now)

  • Of Mikos Ayakashi and Demons

    After discovering her immortality, Kagome leaves to travel. 100 years later, the Jewel takes her to Kyoto pulling her to a noble's mansion. One unselfish wish later, her life is changed even more drastically than when she first came to this World of mikos, demons and ayakashi, as well as youkai. The gods finally see fit to let her be, well, or so she thinks. Poll on Profile

  • Who I Am: The Chronicles of Stable Child

    Yes, I am her long lost child she has so desperately tried to forget... Why you ask? Because I am the Stable Child. With them having no former knowledge, I was born of magical flower that the two had planted together just outside the stables. I was only six months into budding whenever my father was killed by my Grandmother Cora... (Part Two is here and so is something Wicked!)

  • Two Worlds

    The Final Battle begins and soon ends. However, not the any way the any one could have imagined. The gods who brought Kagome to this time, now decide to remove her. But even to her original time isn't enough as she must be kept away from Sesshōmaru. Their decision? "Let us cast her into a place from which even we cannot bring her back." AU HIATUS