
  • Levy's New Lachrima

    Levy, unfortunately, fell victim to a marketing scheme, and bought a new kind of lachrima. Deciding that the best course of action was investigating it, she took it to Fairy Tail to see what the others thought. What's the worst that could possibly happen? Leave reviews for apps/websites you'd like to see the gang visit. But let's try to keep it T, ok?

  • The New Avengers

    This story is a slight AU based in the future of the Marvel Universe. The Avenger's Initiative has expanded, and several young and future heroes have joined. This story follows one certain young mutant, Ludwig Wagner, as he leaves Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and joins with the Avengers. What will he experience as one of the new Avengers? Rated T for Excessive Language.

  • A Gathering of Heroes

    One fine day, Link received a letter. A special letter, a letter for him and Zelda. THERE'S GOING TO BE A PARTY! WHOOOOOOOO! But why are their so many other people in green? What's up with the tall, shirtless dude? Perhaps most importantly, why the hell did she have to do that?

  • No More

    Each day, Gilbert still feels the pain. He can't stand it anymore. He hopes to whatever god may exist that Ludwig won't hate him for this. Rated T for the content of the story.

  • I drive your Truck

    Yes, it's based off the country song by Lee Brice. No, I do not consider it a song fic. This was simply inspired by it and a strong need to write saddening stuff. So deal with it. Cyborg is the big brother to the others, but he won't always be around. Sometimes the reaper takes good folk early. How does Beast Boy deal? Rated T for *obviously* character death.

  • James' Blast Off

    A sibling fic to Jessie's Blast Off, with the positions switched. She hated how all that Giovanni would give him was a simple plot. T for obvious reasons.

  • The Mask Reclaimed

    The mask alone was all that adorned his wall, and he hated it, from its shape to it spikes. It felt like a mockery to him