

  • Mustang Team 100

    The Royai 100 done for Vato Falman, Heymans Breda, Jean Havoc, and Kain Fuery. Not ruling out appearances by Mustang and Hawkeye, or other military, such as Hughes or Armstrong. Rating may get as high as T. Will probably mostly fit in with The Toll and Team Players.

  • Restoration

    The survivors of genocide and the people who committed it learn to work together during the restoration of Ishval. Rating for language, violence, and the genocide theme. Picks up during my fic "The Toll." Scar is called "Little Brother." There will be OC's, because there have to be. Sorry.

  • The Highest Value

    A Slytherin's ambition is defined by his highest value. What will Snape's turn out to be? Written to be canon-compliant before the seventh book came out. So of course it's AU now.

  • The Magnificent Mr Snape

    Snape has just been awarded the Order of Merlin First Class - Plus. This may be the only DH compliant fic I write.

  • First Transformation

    Remus Lupin's thoughts during his first transformation, back when he was eight. Published at Sycophanthex dot com on 1 October 2008. AU since Deathly Hallows. At the time, we hadn't been told that Remus was bitten when he was not quite 5.

  • Half Blood Child

    Seven-year-old Severus Salazar Snape lives in two worlds - the magical and the Muggle. Here's how it might look if we could see his thoughts about it. A version of this called "Half Blood" was published on Occlumency at Sycophanthex dot com on 20 March 2007. AU since Deathly Hallows.

  • A Decision

    Tobias Snape wants to be part of the wizarding world. But he's a Muggle. What can he do about it?

  • The Second Head of Slytherin House

    Here is one of the stories Tobias told his son, Severus Salazar Snape. I'm using what I hope are some Manchester spellings to evoke a Manchester sound, but otherwise the idioms are all American midwest as far as I know.