Transylvanian Mockingjay

  • My Love of a Certain Dope

    A possible three-shot involving Eddie and Columbia's first attempt at a "date" outside of the Frankenstein Place, one month after they begin seeing one another. Columbia is going to perform a tap routine in a local variety show with Eddie in the audience. Will Frank find out and stop them? Rated T to be safe, I own nothing. R&R please! :D

  • The Transylvanians Arrive

    A beyond random one-shot that focuses on two specific members of the Transylvanian ensemble in the film. It was written just to keep my creative juices flowing and also take a short break from my multichap. The title sucks, I know, but if you R&R good things, I might try this again sometime! Rated K b/c I don't know why, but it's very tame, especially for RHPS.