
  • The Cycle of an Alchemist

    The story of Edward's life had been is now over. Reduced to bedtime stories, it's almost as though the power of alchemy had never crossed his life. The Cycle of an Alchemist is hard to break. The tragedy that is the power of alchemy will follow him through his life, no matter how hard he runs. Perhaps this time, the tragedy threatens the very peaceful life his children have lived.

  • His Butler, Carnaval De Payaso

    Staged directly before Noah's Ark, Sebastian and Ciel investigate a local circus, 'Carnaval De Payaso' in order to understand just what they're getting into. A trapeze act gone wrong leads to much more than they bargained for, and even a murder. Just how will they solve this in the glimmering stage light?

  • Wishes Brought Back

    Can't they be reunited again? Even if it's impossible? (HeejungXJiwoo)/(HeejungXJisoo)

  • Royal Blue Resonance

    They say when you meet, 'the one,' your black and white world fills with color (Literally.) Young Haru has only one desire- To see Water as it truly is. In order to do that, he needs to find his 'soul mate.' But what happens when that person isn't quite what he had thought of? HaruRin ReiGisa Rated M.

  • Character Poetry

    Poems based off of the characters from Dandelion

  • His Butler, Devious

    Elizabeth Midford can be a rather demanding Fiance. When she asks to solve a case with her betrothed, Ciel decides it would be best to focus upon a simple story crafted by his butler. Strangely enough, the case Sebastian wrote of starts coming true. Young women are being drained of their blood. Can such a twisted case ever end well? And who exactly is this, 'Carmilla?

  • One Day to Live a Lifetime: The Story of a Melancholy Shinigami

    A story of a certain rebellious Shinigami finding a misused Death Bookmark. Hundreds of years before, an unknown Shinigami paused the life of a human, ceasing her clock from ticking. With the bookmark removed, Ronald is given the task to reap her soul. Just how much overtime does Will expect him to complete?

  • Be Brave for Him

    What happened to the twins after their betrayal of Ralph? Wallowing in self pity, the two struggle to catch hold of the reality that is the burning island. Can their minds come back to them before the crimson beast swallows them as well?

  • Lord of the Flies Epilogue

    A different ending of the book where Jack wins the entire game. I've recently read the book in English class, and I've decided I'm tired of endings where the protagonist wins.

  • His Butler, Rebellious

    An odd sickness is spreading through London. Family members are brutally killing each other with no recollection of the act. Can these cruel deaths be explained? If anyone is capable of solving such a mystery, the Earl Phantomhive is. But what if he becomes affected by such an illness himself..?

  • His Master, Devoured

    The battle for Ciel's body does not stop at the young Trancy boy's death. It only moves forward, a new challenger hoping to overtake the Earl. Who will win when Ciel is pitted against himself?

  • Scarlet Contract

    There has only ever been one soul Sebastian Michaelis has lost. Only one individual has ever eluded the fate that came with their contract with this charismatic devil. But at what cost?