
  • Dirty Deed

    Trigger Warning for Non-consensual sex/rape. Vincent Crabbe tries a small experiment after taking inspiration from Lockhart...

  • A strange thing happened to Hermione's Mind

    A take on what may have happened inside Hermione's mind as she was tortured while Harry and Ron were locked away. I may expand this to a full story some day, but if someone wants to run with it, hit me up. Regardless, enjoy the plot bunny...

  • Dimensional Drift Draft

    So, I'm going to be on holiday for the next few months because of Christmas and what have you. This story will quite possibly be one of the ways that I'll be keeping busy and keeping my brain working. Or not, we'll see. But I thought I would at least leave this here. Feel free to leave some constructive criticism as I go. Who knows, it may one day become an actual story...

  • No money, But Mo Problems

    The next story in my one 100 word story a day for 100 days self-challenge in which a Hogwarts graduate ponders the eternal question - what does one do when one graduates school and enters the world of being an adult?

  • New Dreams, New Reality

    A twenty-something "dreams" himself into the world of Harry Potter and proceeds to shape the magical world in his image. Or at least attempt to. A self-insert story, unfortunately. Or fortunately depending on your point of view. Rated 'M' because I'm paranoid.