Angelic Aramina

  • Rebirth

    Death can only last for so long. Yet when you are reborn it takes what seems like forever for your memorys to return. With her daily life and her struggles through her dreams can she realize what the meaning of those dreams are trying to tell her.

  • Broken Hearted

    When a day starts off as any other day until time sweeps her away to an unknown land and time. In-complete, will continue once writer's block goes away.

  • Of Second Chances

    Sarah returns to the labyrith, the same night she is saved. Can the Goblin King get her to fall in love with him or is he meant to always be alone.

  • Free at Last

    Her life was horrible, than fate stepped in. Rated M for themes and language. Thanks for taking the time to read. All reviews are welcomed.

  • Grim Trials

    Aramina grew up in an Orphanage but at the age of eleven her whole world got turned upside down.

  • Trish's Release

    Book 3 of Hook's New Pet. Trish has become part of a sideshow. The evil sea witch still has her, but where are her friends and can she ever escape.