• Starry Fuck

    SEQUEL to Liquid Fuck. ONE-SHOT. Draco warned Harry not to continue following him. Fortunately for Draco, Harry thinks with his cock, not his brain. Draco/Harry hate sex.

  • Something Old, Something New, Someone to Screw

    The wizarding event of the year is filled with a lot more than big cakes and awkward dancing. Harry and Ginny make their teenage dreams come true by recruiting a grieving Draco for some fun. Poor Albus finally admits his heart's desire. Scorpius is in way over his head with his lovely Rose. And Ron has a lot of making up to do for Hermione. And much more to come. Literally.

  • Liquid Fuck

    Harry has a tendency to walk in on other blokes getting their knobs polished. He decides it's his turn and uses a bit of Felix Felicis to help get the job done. Too bad a lurking Draco Malfoy is always there to derail his plans. One-shot.

  • Hermione Gets Her Groove Back

    ONE-SHOT. Hermione has suffered two full years of dirty dreams featuring a Ronald Bilius Weasley. Finally fed up with losing a solid six hours of subconscious academic thought, she seeks out a solution to her problem.