
  • The Space Between Us

    When Richie is the victim of a home invasion and ends up in the hospital with a head injury, the idyllic life he has built with Eddie is shattered. It becomes apparent that while he still recognizes Eddie, Richie has no memory of their romantic involvement or their marriage. Eddie is simply his 'bestie', and Eddie is left wondering if Richie's feelings for him died in the attack.

  • Brave

    Richie wouldn't leave his one true love alone in the crumbling sewer. He wouldn't. Even with the other Losers telling him that he was dead, to just let him go. The man that he loved more than anything and anyone else in the world deserved more than that, and Richie wouldn't give up on him. Not now, not ever. [Or Richie and Eddie get the happy ending they deserve (eventually).]

  • Shades of Grey: Althea's Story

    When Althea Jameson graduates Hogwarts, she thinks her future is set, but her world is turned upside down when she's bitten by a werewolf and becomes the very thing she was taught to hate. She must learn to survive the harsh reality she finds herself in. Even if it means seeking help from the most savage werewolf that's ever lived. [A prequel/companion piece to Love Sees More 3.]

  • Terrible But Great

    When young Tom Riddle first becomes curious about a possible quest for immortality, he comes across the term 'Horcrux'. Thus begins his mission to find out what this elusive word means and why no one, as far as he knows, has ever before attempted what sounds like a dream come true.

  • I'll Be Home For Christmas

    AU. After the war ends and Sirius's innocence is proven, he sets out to reclaim his freedom and the years he lost in a prison cell. However, in doing so, he only succeeds in pushing his godson away. When Sirius finally realizes his mistakes and returns home, will it already be too late to fix his relationship with Harry?

  • A Shadow 2: Blue Moons and Broken Promises

    AU. After Sirius's innocence is proven, he and Remus try desperately to recapture the friendship that they once had, just one of the many casualties lost to Azkaban. When Remus makes what could be a costly mistake, he realizes exactly how much he and Sirius need each other.

  • A Shadow

    AU. Harry is about to start his fifth year at Hogwarts, but Sirius has only now escaped from Azkaban. When Harry runs out on his aunt and uncle, he is attacked by Voldemort and the Death Eaters, and Sirius comes to his rescue - the godfather that Harry doesn't even know about, and the man that he only knows as a "murderer".

  • Forever and a Day

    AU. After losing Tonks in the final battle, Remus is left to raise Teddy on his own. Even after ten years, Remus still struggles with the thought that he isn't providing Teddy with everything that he needs. Can anything change his mind?

  • Full Circle

    On Teddy's eleventh birthday, he starts thinking more and more about his father and begins asking some difficult questions - ones that only Harry can answer.

  • Shades of Grey

    As he lays dying, Fenrir Greyback dreams of his childhood, about what could have been, and what ultimately brought him to this point - to become the most savage werewolf that's ever lived.

  • In the End

    Remus reflects back on some of the last and most important moments of his life - the ones that taught him what being a good husband and father truly was.

  • A Single Soul

    When Sirius makes a hurtful comment in a moment of anger, it leads him and Remus to reminisce about the first serious argument they'd ever had - the one that first made them realize how just how much they needed each other.

  • Father Figure

    When Teddy graduates from Hogwarts and as Harry begins to spend more time with his godson as a result, Albus Severus begins to feel left out. Especially since he'll be starting Hogwarts soon, which will take Albus further away from his father. Will Harry be able to reassure him that even though things are changing all around them, things between father and son will stay the same?

  • Darkness Falls

    The war is over, but its effects still linger.

  • Transformations

    After the events in the Shrieking Shack and Remus's subsequent transformation and rough night in the woods, the best friend that he thought he'd lost forever comes through for him once again. [A missing moment from Prisoner of Azkaban.]

  • Deny Thy Brother

    Before Regulus sets out after Voldemort's Horcrux, he decides to try one last time to make peace with the brother he hasn't spoken to in years. Will Sirius hear him out, or will he continue to deny his brother?

  • Stolen: Greyback's Revenge

    One month after his escape from Greyback's pack, Remus finally feels as if he is putting his life back together. But it's far from over, because Greyback is patiently waiting to exact his revenge for Remus's betrayal. [A follow-up to Love Sees More 3: Greyback's Pack.]

  • A Family Divided

    After the events at Auschwitz, Gretel struggles to regain some sense of normalcy in her life, complicated even more by the fact that she feels all but forgotten by her parents.

  • Love Sees More 3: Greyback's Pack

    Remus has agreed to infiltrate Greyback's pack. That, however, proves much easier said than done. As the days pass and Remus spends more time with the animalistic werewolves, it becomes harder and harder for him to remember what it was like to live as a human.

  • Blue Christmas

    After Arthur Weasley is attacked by the snake, he's placed in the same room as another bite victim - a werewolf who is having a hard time adjusting to the latest turn of events in his life. When Remus pays him a visit, can he say anything that will convince the angry young werewolf that his life isn't so bleak after all? [A missing moment from Order of the Phoenix.]