
  • Can I Have This Dance?

    Just a small Sylki ficlet in which Loki and Sylvie dance.

  • Letting Go

    A one shot based on the leaked photos and video footage of season 8. Things aren't going too well between the 12th Doctor and his companion until Clara receives an unexpected phone call. SPOILERS! If you don't want to hear any lines from season 8 or know anything about it, do not read this! You have been warned. Whouffle implied but not blatant.

  • Times have Changed

    A ficlet that takes place post 'Kill the Moon' where the Doctor and Clara have a talk about what happened. Spoilers for 'Caretaker' and 'Kill the Moon'

  • Morning Sickness

    The Doctor and Clara have been married for sometime. They both believe that the Doctor is infertile due to a curse put upon the Time Lords long ago. What the couple doesn't know is that the curse was lifted. Whouffle! One Shot. Enjoy!