
  • You Don't Have To Try

    Lucy and Natsu are the best of friends. What happens when they have a big fight? What does Lucy do? What happens when Lucy catches an illness? Read to find out. [WARNING: VERY FLUFFY. OFFICIAL NALU FANS ONLY] [BEING REWRITTEN]

  • The Betrayed Love

    Shizuku and Yamaken! My second story! XD Sorry! I suck at summaries!

  • Beware Of The Leaflets!

    ONE SHOT! Lucy comes home to find a leaflet on her doorstep. She throws it to the side as it only contained some kind of stress relieving game. Natsu sneaks into her house and finds the game. What happens next?

  • Can We Meet Again?

    Natsu and Lucy are childhood friends, but one day natsu supposedly 'dies'. Lucy is surprised when a boy who looks exactly the same as him is introduced to her life. What will happen next? Is he really the Natsu she used to know? Read on to find out... BEING REWRITTEN [DO NOT ENTER]