A Lost Sheep

  • Snowflakes Keep Falling on My Head

    A collection of poems for Jack x Lacie.

  • Alone

    Alone was what he was and lonely was how he felt. She was gone now. The one thing that gave his life meaning was gone. She had been taken from him. (Presenting the new and improved "Alone"!)

  • Confession

    "You're still going to marry him, aren't you?" Rufus asked without using his usual fancy speak. "You're really going to marry him?"

  • Secret Admirer

    It's Valentine's Day and Leila has a secret admirer! Happy Valentine's Day! Sequel to Midnight Madness.

  • Love Somebody

    Lacie wonders why Jack can't just love somebody else.

  • Veil

    Today was the big day, so she threw her veil over her face and left. Sequel to Obi.

  • Goodbye So Many Times

    He felt sick all of a sudden. He never had been bothered by death before. He had lost tons of friends and family. Sequel to Tea.

  • Cold Outside

    Kaito just smiled and went to sleep too. Outside, it was cold and the snow continued to fall.

  • Midnight Madness

    "Lt. Hyuga, Halloween is about being someone you are not. Do something tonight you wouldn't do otherwise." Happy Halloween!

  • Shivering

    It was colder today, probably about to snow, but he did not care. He would walk through hell and back to see Lacie.

  • Tea

    Leila can't sleep so she goes to get a cup of tea.

  • Sunset

    Rufus went, sat down on the bench, and watched as the sun set over the river. "Sheryl, so long as you are happy." He said, as the sun disappeared.

  • Obi

    "Akito." She finally said. It all made her think of Akito. That was why she did it. She couldn't keep Akito out of her mind.