
  • It's a Pirate's Life For Me

    Lady Rose Weasley has been kidnapped by the fearsome Captain Scorpius Malfoy, a notorious pirate. Is he everything she thought he would be or will she feel safe in his arms instead? Pirate AU!

  • The Biggest Jump

    Seven days after those four fateful words. Rory is slowly but surely coming to terms with the fact that she is having a baby, but can the father? And can they both deal with the fact that everyone's life has been turned upside down.

  • Disappointed With Destiny

    Lily is desperate to know what the future holds for her family. An ancient potion reveals the last words your soulmate will ever say to you on your arm. Will this help her sleep at night or extinguish hope completely?

  • Looking Over You

    Despite the fact that Remus Lupin constantly refuses her love - Tonks needs to make sure that he is going to be watched over and loved whilst he completes his assignment for Dumbledore. Set after the battle at the Department of Mysteries, and just before Lupin goes to live with the werewolves.

  • When A Heart Breaks It Don't Break Even

    Rose loves Scorpius. Scorpius loves Rose. Easy right? But why do little things about Rose make him think of another girl? Can he deal with these thoughts himself? Will it go unnoticed?

  • Four

    In Chinese culture, the number four is unlucky because the word for death is so similar. Rose wakes up on the fourth of the fourth with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Is the number four going to be unlucky for her?

  • The Future Is Bright

    Rose gives Scorpius some unexpected news and is rather taken aback about how excited for their future he is.

  • Christmas Memories Are Not Always Joyful

    Cho Chang has kissed Harry Potter under the mistletoe but she can't help but think of Cedric. She thinks it would be easier if she could remember the happy memories but the thoughts flashing through her mind are of the arguments, the sullen moments, the anger.

  • Oliver's Day Off

    Oliver Wood is one of the most driven, Quidditch obsessed students to ever walk to halls of Hogwarts - his team mates would certainly attest to that! Especially after their new early morning Quidditch practices. What happens when Oliver suddenly decides to take a day off?

  • New Covens

    Scorpius spends the afternoon babysitting Dora Lupin. With the help of her, Frank the cat and her grandmother Fleur, he learns how to properly drink a cup of tea, appreciate the colour pink and learn how to belong in a world he's out on his own in.

  • Beauty Fades, Misery Lasts Forever

    Andromeda can't sleep the night before her wedding. Despite their differences, she can't help but wish her beautiful, older sister would be by her side in the way she has always done before. However, she soon realises that beauty is only skin deep.

  • It Was You

    Rose has been receiving mysterious love notes from an anonymous sender. Who is the writer? And what will Rose think when they reveal themselves? Will it be love at first note?

  • Grasping Thorns

    Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley have never gotten on with each other. Now living together as Heads has made emotions run high between the two, and it seems that the line between hate and tumbling into bed with each other is becoming increasingly blurred.

  • James Doe

    It's a normal day at work for Healer Lily Evans until a beaten up messy haired, hazel eyed man becomes her patient. But when he wakes up he doesn't have a clue who he is. Can Lily bring his memory back and find his family or will he be a James Doe forever

  • Teaching The Basics

    Lily Evans strives to be good at everything she does, so what happens when her perfect boyfriend suggests to take their relationship to the next level? Only James can teach her the things school doesn't. Will she learn the difference between sex and love?

  • How We Used To Be

    With a lovely new fiance, Rose Weasley was over her rebellious teenage past. That is, until Malfoy waltzed back into her life '"Who was that, darling?" asked Seth, perplexed. Ron chuckled. "You just had the privilege of seeing Rose's ex-husband."'

  • Bad Teaching Habits

    James Potter is now the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor four years after he graduated from there himself. He thinks everythings going well until he gets some very bad teaching habits whenever the head girl's around... please read and review

  • If It's Not Like the Movies

    OneShot! Rose and Scorpius have been best friends since the first day of Hogwarts, and only friends at that. Now fifteen years later, something happens that leaves Scorpius thinking there could be something more but can Rose ever feel the same about him?

  • Coffee

    Rose Weasley has a busy life and sometimes a coffee break is just what's needed. Good coffee is her haven away from stress and work but after running into an old school friend on her coffee break she realises that a cup of coffee can lead to so much more.

  • Strictly Forbidden

    Twenty two year old James Potter left the fame and fortune of quidditch to be hogwarts's transfiguration professor for the year. will it be just work or will a certain redheaded professor Evans make the year a lot more interesting. Read n review plz