
  • To the Ends of Arda

    Ages come and go, and Dagor Dagorath, the Last Battle, is approaching. This knowledge and the mention of a great danger to the humankind is enough for Aegnor, son of Finarfin, to finally be willing to leave the Halls of Mandos. As much he owes Andreth, as much he owes all humankind. His place is now with them, defending and guiding them through the difficult times.

  • Chybějící dílek

    Aféra rozpoutaná ambiciózním Laskinem Joranumem byla úspěšně zažehnána, avšak císař Cleon má stále pochybnosti. Přeje si mluvit se svým prvním ministrem o samotě a při té příležitosti mu položit zcela zásadní otázku. Překlad povídky "The Missing Piece".

  • The Missing Piece

    After the threat posed by the ambitious Laskin Joranum was successfully staved off, Cleon still has certain matters to discuss. He wishes to speak to his First Minister alone and ask him a question of vital importance. Contains "Prelude to Foundation" and "Forward the Foundation" spoilers.

  • Goldfish

    Set after Thor 2. Jane is alone. Alone again. And this is just another uneventful evening, another lonely walk home. Well, is it?

  • The Free Will

    "Your fault isn't being a robot. It's being so human." -Set immediately after Robots of Dawn. Elijah travels back home and Daneel keeps him company. They are finally free to enjoy each other's presence without having to worry about the things to come. But the closer they get to their destination, the less they are willing to say good-bye.

  • Nothing Stays the Same

    Severus Snape, the most feared Headmaster of Hogwarts, survived the Final Battle though he'd never expected that. Now he has to cope with his regained freedom, his duties, his life. Will he allow someone to enter his lonely existence and help him?

  • A Monday Morning Episode

    Maybe oneshot, maybe not. Story takes place somewhere during the fifth book. Sirius wakes up after some drinking, is really bored and does crazy things. But suddenly an unpleasant visitor is there...