Ariana Peverell

  • The Chronicles of Merope

    Merope's life, from birth to death, and in between, this is her story.

  • Worth It

    Harry makes a bet, Binns cries, and Ron loses one-fifth of his life savings, but it was worth it.

  • Professor R J Lupin

    Remember in PoA, when Hermione points to Lupin's case on the train? The inscription on the case was described as old and peeling, but he had only known he was going to be a professor for a month at most. I always wondered about that, and this story popped into my head. One-shot.

  • Weird Pairings Week

    Seven of the weirdest, wackiest pairings I can come up with. Lots of silliness.

  • The True Story of How Salazar Left Hogwarts

    What the title says. Please remember that this was written at midnight on a sugar high, so, yeah.

  • The Sue War

    In order to consider yourself a soldier in the Mary Sue War, you must first pass this class. A My Immortal rewrite.

  • My Immortal Commentary

    Exactly what it sounds like. My Immortal, with commentary.

  • The Slytherin Potter

    What I think would have happened if Harry had been in Slytherin. He wouldn't have been free form Dumbledore's manipulations, Snape wouldn't become his father-figure, Draco Malfoy wouldn't have been his best friend. Very dark, very AU, very OOC.

  • Reasons Twilight is Better Than Harry Potter and Counter Arguments

    Pretty much what the title says.

  • The Locket

    Salazar Slytherin never forgave. He never forgot. And he carried the locket with him always.

  • Unforgivable

    As the boy cries and throws tables at him, he realizes, perhaps for the first time, that what he has done to him is truly Unforgivable.

  • Chocolate Frog Cards

    Some of the most ridiculous wizards in history are on these...

  • The Dursleys Get What's Coming to Them

    The moment we've all been waiting for... The Dursleys are getting their comeuppance at last.

  • Dear Fanfiction Authors

    Harry's been reading fanfiction, and he's not happy.

  • Refuge

    After many years in hiding and nearing his death, a darker Harry looks back on his life. He regrets nothing.