

  • Giving Up

    Remus chose Tonks instead of her, and now Lila has to make a decision during one of the world's worst wars. Stay and fight alongside the Order for their sake, or run away for her own. Every day with the Order has become a tiring act of faking smiles and saying that she's okay, and all she can do is hope that he'll change his mind. That, or she can give up and run from it all.

  • The Magic of the Muggle: Bernie May's Story

    Dropped into a different time, Muggle and addict Bernie May carries the burden of knowing what will happen during the War, but she doesn't know how it will end. That doesn't stop the Order from forcing her into a life of hiding and secrecy once the Death Eaters hear of her. All Bernie wants is to go home so she can resume her life, but it doesn't look like that will happen soon.

  • The Unknown

    I stepped on a tooth. Yes...a tooth. That's the reason why we moved to Scotland, why I'm going to Hogwarts, and why I'm a Werewolf. Things have definitely taken a turn for the worst... let's see what my last year of school will bring. Hiatus

  • Angst

    Er wollte es fort. Der Terror, die echte Angst dass schuettelte ihn, als er sah den Mond. One-shot Remus Lupin