5 Coloured Walker

  • Busy Stars

    Survive, Adapt, Win. We did it once, we did it twice, we've even done it thrice. Apparently we're due a few more rounds. Zudjari Invasion The Great Mistake Relay 314 Incident. Cross over of Mass Effect/X-Com/Civilization:Beyond Earth [Primarily], I plan for it to become a ludicrously big worldbuilding project, and I hope you enjoy the stories I write within it.

  • Council's notes on Humanity

    This is the Citadel Codex as it applies to Humans in the [TBD] world, who's current stories include: Busy Stars This however is not the codex of general things however, not is it human's documentation on aliens.

  • Vasoth Dreaming

    Dragon Age Inquisition through the eyes of a Mage Herah Adaar. A Vasoth that actually cares enough to make her fellow mercenaries more than a side quest, someone who understands the idea of delegating [In fact, Cullen has also received some training in that from Leliana], with a slightly smarter foe standing against the Inquisition.

  • Aleandrea's Alien Primer - Combined and Condensed Edition

    Alien's aren't just people with rubber faces and funny hats.

  • Teaching a Wanderer

    I survived the Wasteland, I knew how to fight, but I didn't know how to use my powers... At least not truly in any case. Too bad I chose a school in a city about to be racked by disease, and I have a conscience. Rated T until further notice. Sequel to Beginnings of a Wanderer.

  • Beginnings of a Wanderer

    The Lone Wanderer is sent from the Vault into the DC Wastelands. Except he's more than one would think. - Springboard into overarching crossover/mash-up. Good Male, will however end up sticking to the Lone part of Lone Wanderer. M for Descriptive Violence and Swearing. Self Insert. Fallout main-quest/Cannon bit nearly over, followed by more good stuff. Chapters 2-7 Revised, Ongoing