
  • Ave Atque Vale

    Post CoLS. Set 78 years after the events of CoLS, Magnus revisits past memories. I don't want to give much away, so read to find out.

  • Hawaiian Dreams and Old Enemies

    Magnus and Alec are on vacation in Hawaii. Everything is perfect until a certain ghost from Alec's past comes back to haunt them. Post CoHF. Rated M for a little smut and violence, better than it sounds!

  • Angel (Phan)

    It's been three months since Dan has left, and Phil thinks about what exactly went wrong. I suck at summaries, but it's better than it sounds! And it's a happy ending, I promise.

  • Soul Mate

    Malec AU/AH. My first. Alec is new to the school, and hates being the center of attention. He is still in the closet, and extremely nervous about coming to the new school. Magnus is smart, flamboyant, and loves to be in the center of attention. He hates school, and accepts himself. They couldn't have been more different. What draws them together? M for smut lol.

  • The One

    COLS SPOILERS! You have been warned. Alec and Magnus are doing terrible after their break up. Will they be able to fix their broken relationship? How I think it should end.

  • Worth It

    Alec is captured during a battle with demons. He is being tortured and Magnus and the others are heartbroken. What does Sebastian want? Can Magnus save him in time? Lame summary sorry. But please don't skip! Better than it sounds (I think). :))))

  • Malec's Directions

    A collection of Malec oneshots based on one direction songs. don't skip just because you don't like one direction! it's still a bunch of malec! sorry for the lame title :P

  • All of Eternity

    post City of Lost Souls... Alec is a mess after his breakup with Magnus. But finally, he has found the solution. Is it enough to win the love of his life back - for eternity?